These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations governing the use of this website. By accessing this website, you agree to accept these terms and conditions in full. Do not continue using this website if you do not accept all of the terms and conditions stated herein.

The terminology used in these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement, and Disclaimer Notice refers to “Client”, “You”, and “Your” as the person accessing this website and accepting the Company’s terms and conditions. “The Company”, “Ourselves”, “We”, “Our”, and “Us” refers to our Company. “Party”, “Parties”, or “Us” refers to both the Client and ourselves or either the Client or ourselves.

Purpose of Use
The information on this site is for educational purposes only and should not replace advice from your physician or healthcare professional. Consult your personal physician before beginning any exercise or specialized nutrition program.

By using this information, you represent that you are at least eighteen years old, have the legal authority to accept these terms and conditions, are in good mental health, do not suffer from any mental or physical condition or disability that might render your participation hazardous to yourself or others, or impair your ability to understand this health release.

You understand and agree that the benefits you obtain may vary depending on factors such as the accuracy of the information you provide, changes in your health and lifestyle habits, and program compliance.

You understand and agree that it is your responsibility to consult with your physician regarding any food allergies, drug interactions with supplements, and to check the ingredients in all recipes presented.

You understand and agree that if you are on any medications or currently being treated for any illness or condition, you may participate in this program only after consultation with your health practitioner.

Health Disclaimers
Any references to physical or mental health on this website constitute an educational service consisting solely of general health information provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind, express or implied.

This website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the exercises or methods mentioned should be performed or used without clearance from your physician or health care provider.

The information provided is not intended to give specific physical or mental health advice or any other advice for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard. We are not medical professionals, and nothing on this website should be misconstrued to mean otherwise.

There may be risks associated with participating in activities mentioned on this website for people in poor health or with pre-existing physical or mental health conditions. Because these risks exist, you will not participate if you are in poor health or have a pre-existing condition. If you choose to participate, you do so of your own free will, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks.

Facts and information are believed to be accurate at the time of posting but are provided for information purposes only. Products and services described are only offered where legally permitted. Information provided is not all-inclusive and should not be relied upon as such.

You agree to hold us, owners, agents, and employees harmless from any and all liability for claims for damages due to injuries, including attorney fees and costs, incurred by you or caused to third parties by you, arising out of the activities discussed on this website, excepting only claims for gross negligence or intentional tort.

The products and claims made about specific products on or through this Site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

This Site is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Products, services, information, and other content provided are for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or healthcare professional regarding any medical or health-related diagnosis or treatment options.

Information provided, including relating to medical and health conditions, treatments, and products, may be in summary form. We may use actors and/or voice actors to present our products to protect the author’s identity.

Information on this Site, including any product label or packaging, should not be considered a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. This Site does not recommend self-management of health issues. Information is not comprehensive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatment.

Contact your healthcare professional promptly with any health-related questions. Never disregard or delay medical advice based on information you may have read on this Site.

You should not use the information or services on this Site to diagnose or treat any health issues or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with your healthcare professional and read information provided by the product manufacturer and any product label or packaging before using any medication, nutritional, herbal or homeopathic product, or beginning any exercise or diet program or treatment for a health issue.

Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this website are exceptional results, do not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, do not apply to the average person, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

Your purchase is fully protected by our 60-day returns policy. To obtain a refund, carefully check the terms and instructions found on our shipping and returns policy page.

Unless otherwise stated, we and/or our licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material on this website. All intellectual property rights are reserved. You may view and/or print pages from this website for your own personal use subject to restrictions set in these terms and conditions.

We reserve the right to request the removal of all links or any particular link to our website. We also reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions and its linking policy at any time.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions relating to our website and its use. Nothing in this disclaimer will limit or exclude liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, liabilities that cannot be excluded under applicable law.

We will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature to the extent that the website and the information and services on the website are provided free of charge.

You agree to release and hold harmless us, our affiliates, and their respective directors, officers and employees, from any liability for any injury or adverse reaction you may experience or any other claims or damages arising from your use of the site, services or products.

If you have any queries regarding our terms, please contact us.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.